Counter strike online

Counter strike

Have you Already play counter strike? This game is one of my favorite games when I was young, I remember I’m always going to the internet café with my friends. Counter strike is a game about two sides fighting to defend their respective roles and the names of the two sides are counter terrorist and terrorist it has different personnel based on its role and purpose guns, grenades are the weapons of both sides, the role of the counter terrorist is to fight the terrorist and prevent the goal of blowing up their base which they call a bomb site.

counter terrorist
the counter terrorist is a group that needs to protect their base or what they call the bombsite so that it cannot be blown up by their enemy terrorists, it has different types of characters such as the American seal, German GSG-9, British SAS, French GIGN and Russian Spetsnaz,

Counter strike

they have two sides they call counter terrorist and terrorist. these two groups have their own duties that need to be performed. The role of the counter terrorist is to protect and fight those who are trying to blow up their base which they call a bomb site.

Counter strike online

France’s elite Counter-Terrorist unit, the GIGN, is designed to be a rapid response force that can respond definitively to any large-scale terrorist incident. Consisting of no more than 100 men, the GIGN earned its reputation through a history of successful operations.

Counter strike online

counter terrorist need to protect the what we call bomb site to the terrorist’ to be safe and success their duty so they became the winner of this game
and the terrorist’s need to bring the bomb in the bomb site to explode successfully to become the winner so in the summaries they need to successfully protect each duty and there so many kind of base in this game like de dust cs mansion cs deathmatch de dust2 and many more and then this game have also a cheat code it depends on the version of the CS (counter strike) like bind, cheat, also you can make the PowerPoint no clip same like invincible character if you play the games with the robot also known as add bots.

Counter strike review

this add bots is a automatic computer that you can play if you don’t have friends and play it alone together with this game. I really love this suspense game and sometimes I got a little bit nervous because of this shocking game while walking in the map of this game suddenly the enemy appear. Its really surprising this game and really good feeling when I killed my opponent. and then my the counter terrorist and the terrorist have a different special weapon. for counter terrorist’s they have Armalite AR18 Commando and Steyr AUG in terrorist they have AK47 and commando..

Counter strike 1.6 Gameplay de dust 2
so whats your opinion about this game,feel free to comment below and thank you for reading of my blog?
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I'm 30 years old 167. cm leave in Philippines in quezon city. Slim, good-looking and nice

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